
As a technology related company, it is our belief that technology can improve our day to day life and provide better efficiencies in the things we do. At the same time, these efficiencies should translate to a better use of the resources around us and help us in our sustainability journey.
Our path to sustainability is closely aligned with our vision, mission and driven by our core values. We believe that our sustainability factors and strategies will bring us to where we envision ourselves to be.

Board Statement
The Board of Directors (the “Board”) considers Sustainability Factors as part of its strategic formulation, determines and oversees the management and monitoring of the material Sustainability Factors. Our sustainability strategy focuses on growth, governance, environment, the development of our people and well-being of our communities. This will continue to guide our people, policies and processes to ensure that we meet the long-term interests of our stakeholders and sustain the performance of Ban Leong Technologies Limited (the “Company”) and its subsidiaries (collectively as the “Group”).
A sustainability policy (“SR Policy”) covering our sustainability strategies, reporting structure, materiality assessment and processes in identifying and monitoring material Sustainability Factors has been established and serves as a point of reference in the conduct of our sustainability reporting. Under this SR Policy, we will continue to monitor, review and update our material Sustainability Factors from time to time, taking into account the feedback that we receive from our engagement with our stakeholders, organisational and external developments.
Our sustainability framework communicates our commitment towards supporting the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs” or “Global Goals”) and is supported by our key stakeholders. We work closely with stakeholders in our value chain and their inputs drive our sustainability focus on our material Sustainability Factors and the SDGs as follows: